9. The Hermit
9. The Hermit

The Hermit.
For this one, I wanted to go for a Odin-inspired artwork, but I kept that dude for the Hanged Man, felt like it was a better fit. So here's our good ol hermit, who in the end was inspired by Gandalf! I mean, isn't that everyone's favourite hermit type wizard?
Kept the elements of the other art, the white accessories, blue geometric lines, etc.
For the lantern and wand I didn't really go for anything existing, but rather for what felt right and cool. Can't always have a deep meaning behind artistic choices, right?

Edit 16/11/2023:
Adapted to the black/gold/white color scheme.
Thought I'd leave this one mostly alone, but ended up redoing most of the lineart and shading.

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